Monday, 22 August 2011

My Tweet'Escapade; The Fecundity Call Appendage!

Thanks for the drop by to view this, I continue saying that till date,lots of friends and family Of mine Have asked Why I Bother Myself with social talks at my age & What I stand to gain?, My riposte most times is that I am a Nigerian, I hope to marry a Nigerian plus I hope to have Nigerian Children someday attended 'Government owned schools' but on all sides,there is really little that can in all seriousness set the youth on the path of conscientious growth and development. It is no wonder to me that the perception of right and wrong, nationalism and patriotism, cultural norms and values, truth and honour by We the youths is hardly encouraging.
I believe In the future of this Country.I believe We can make Change if We desire and set our mind to It. My voice goes out to My Twitter Uncles and Aunts, Lets keep up the good fight. We know more about 'them'(fifth columnist) now than they do of Us. In the words of OJ Okwuadi, don't confuse activity with productivity, a diffused light has limited impact, but when Light's focused like a laser it can cut through steel.
'No need engaging in issues of minutiae when Most of Our fellows cannot eat/feed/ and even sleep well'. Thomas Jefferson said 'Every generation needs a new revolution'. John Fitzgerald succintly said too that 'those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable'. To me, 'The greatest cankerworm that has ruined Our nation is corruption', Sound character development is the only maxim to rescue us from this decadence and guarantee a successful future.
I'll end by saying that #India, #Yemen, #Egypt, #Libya have all risen against Injustice, against corruption, and against shortchanging. #Nigerians; The world awaits YOU.
Big shoutout to Kunle Durojaiye '@kunledee' for His morale-boosting and scrutiny.

My Tweet'Escapade; The Fecundity Call.

Sometime last year, I watched Dr David Oyedepo (G.O Living Faith Church) preach a sermon saying that 'your worth in life is essentially a product of the use of your mind'. At the time, I cared less for this country's plight given the fact that I could eat three mouthwatering square meals a day, get Silverbird galleria tickets to see My favourite movies et al. In the course of the build up to the 2011 elections(My first time eligible), I developed a sense of belonging and patriotism for the country as I began to see through various media the rot and maladministration the 'previous' and 'current' dispensation had done to Us. In order not to let it continue, I began writing and posting notes amidst mockery from family and friends on My facebook page such as '2011 Elections;My thoughts', 'Building the Nigeria of Our Dream', 'Nigeria;An Opportunity in crisis'. With the above said and done, My motive was not accomplished as the crop I fought against had the media and everyone for them. I told Myself 'Who am I afterall',A young undergraduate.
I became active on twitter six months ago(though I registered the account late 2009 out of being internet savvy), something that struck me on it was that It had people I had always read from afar and wanted to connect with. I immediately learnt the ropes and began My 'tweetosphere' sojourn following and not being followed. It pained me as I was not being heard(followed) for the first few weeks running to months because I had a purpose for being there. It was as if I was tweeting nuggets and opinions to the air. I decided to start getting on several discussions(uninvited) afterwards and then gained some followers from there. Amongst my first sought after followers were @ALIBABAGCFR @chidimokeme and @Audu, I remember bragging with a few friends in school here that the Ace ribcracker followed Me. With continuous tweeting and several engaging duels, I began to get people, some by begging nonetheless.
Some of the people I hold in high esteem on twitter include @toluogunlesi @bubusn @je_mc2 @wildeji and now @kunledee not necessarily because they follow back when they know you add value but because they are social commentators seeking change for a nation in crisis, they provoke certain words right out of my subconscious, and take certain tweets right out of me.
Roughly two weeks ago, My compeer and friend @eaboyeji and I argued about the cabal that held this country's progress for the better and He made me know that 'We overestimated them and Underestimated Ourselves'. Inasmuch as I agree with him, I also consider truthful the fact that Our lives as Nigerians (150 million of Us) lie in the hands of less than a 100 people some of which are now known as FOOLS.
Hellen Keller said 'Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them,But do not let them master you. In the country we live in today,because corruption was not nipped earlier in the bud, it has now become a bane. We have leaders in this country who now see public office as an avenue to enrich themselves. 'We' care little about this dilemma as some of Us either gain from them or await the opportunity to also assume such office. I am of the school of thought that believes that when God and people place you in a position of authority, You either rise up to the occasion or face jibes but authority and its functions are not being adhered to here. Bastardization,unscrupulousness,double-dealing and profiteering has eaten Us up so deep that we can no longer demand accountability from those we vote in. Some of Us even see bribery as a norm. We are no different from the 'cabal'(IBB,OBJ,GEJ et al) in any form.
Leadership must not be built on falsehold,ethnicism but what do we see;Campaign of calumny and all sort of nepotistic schemes.
We're a country that forgets things easily. I've come to realise this long ago. I have strong belief that If you don't suffer for your evil deeds now, soon enough, You will. Cases involving Charles taylor, Hosni Mubarak, Muamar Ghadaffi, and even our own James Onanefe Obori just makes me know that Evil will be punished. It may take time but It will.
Another problem we have is that these despotic and nepotistic tyrants have youth seeds. It pains me so much to see this. A goat doesnt give birth to a sheep. At times, a Great future seems bleak as Our septuagenarian and senile leaders didnt leave us with any foundation.Your children take your character, They are not different from you,you are not different from them.
On twitter, I was able to find out that We could still boast of quality people who take character and integrity seriously. One thing I found out also was that Nigerians didnt take salvaging the current decay in a very very pensive manner. The polity itself has not shown much good example to the upcoming generation in terms of responsibilities in leadership,citizenship and the like but With the help of the Most High and fervent personal development, Some of these Twitter folks have been able to break from the norm and gain real knowledge to upgrade themselves. I call some of them Uncles and Aunt. @toluogunlesi @kunledee @bubusn @id49ja @je_mc2 @Ebuka @DoupleEph @MrFixNigeria @BankyW @eLDeeTheDon @estherclimate @wildeji just to mention a few.
Blogger makes Me stop here, Please see My Tweet'Escapade; The Fecundity Call's appendage above!

Sunday, 7 August 2011

NIGERIA: An Opportunity In Crisis.

Events in the last few weeks in Nigeria have left me wondering about where we are heading. The spate of bomb blasts across the country and the general state of insecurity that came to its height with the bombing of the Police Headquaters in Abuja is a reflection of how the Nigerian state is in debauchery. But the attack was significant in other ways. It was not just an attack against the Nigeria Police which has unduly drawn the ire of the public. By targeting the defender of our national security, the bombers, whoever they were, were sending a clear message. Unfortunately, the leaders of our neo- colonial state have failed to take notice. The response by the government has been, not surprisingly, speculative. Three weeks after, we do not know whether it was a suicide attack, a time bomb, or a foreign terrorist attack. Since the incident, the President and Commander-in-Chief has not shown any resolve to tackle terrorism, or any of the numerous problems, including corruption, that have placed us at No14 on the list of 'failed nations'. Not Long ago, I wrote about the window of opportunity the April 2011 election offered us if we Voted Right. One can conveniently conclude, with hindsight, that it was an opportunity willfully WASTED. But even for those who voted for President Goodluck Jonathan like a personal campaigner and friend of mine Ntigoroku Atarhe,the tragedy looming at us is one that calls for concern. The fact that the president inherited a broken system is not an excuse for the situation to get worse. For five months now,we're yet to see any blueprint on how to salvage this moribund situation yet we discuss amnesty for Boko Haram,tenure elongation et al. I have never doubted Jonathan's impotence & helplessness to the polity, Expectedly, all manner of charlatans and political hangers- on lobbied for his kitchen cabinet made of concubines and buxom bimbos while hunger and poverty stalked the land and insecurity envelops the country. The more we continue to deceive ourselves,the more we fall into deeper pits of corruption,bombings et al.

NIGERIA: An Opportunity In Crisis.

Events in the last few weeks in Nigeria have left me wondering about where we are heading. The spate of bomb blasts across the country and the general state of insecurity that came to its height with the bombing of the Police Headquaters in Abuja is a reflection of how the Nigerian state is in debauchery. But the attack was significant in other ways. It was not just an attack against the Nigeria Police which has unduly drawn the ire of the public. By targeting the defender of our national security, the bombers, whoever they were, were sending a clear message. Unfortunately, the leaders of our neo- colonial state have failed to take notice. The response by the government has been, not surprisingly, speculative. Three weeks after, we do not know whether it was a suicide attack, a time bomb, or a foreign terrorist attack. Since the incident, the President and Commander-in-Chief has not shown any resolve to tackle terrorism, or any of the numerous problems, including corruption, that have placed us at No14 on the list of 'failed nations'. Not Long ago, I wrote about the window of opportunity the April 2011 election offered us if we Voted Right. One can conveniently conclude, with hindsight, that it was an opportunity willfully WASTED. But even for those who voted for President Goodluck Jonathan like a personal campaigner and friend of mine Ntigoroku Atarhe,the tragedy looming at us is one that calls for concern. The fact that the president inherited a broken system is not an excuse for the situation to get worse. For five months now,we're yet to see any blueprint on how to salvage this moribund situation yet we discuss amnesty for Boko Haram,tenure elongation et al. I have never doubted Jonathan's impotence & helplessness to the polity, Expectedly, all manner of charlatans and political hangers- on lobbied for his kitchen cabinet made of concubines and buxom bimbos while hunger and poverty stalked the land and insecurity envelops the country. The more we continue to deceive ourselves,the more we fall into deeper pits of corruption,bombings et al.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

EDUCATION AND ITS TERRAINS(The level we are;The level we see).

In a world where we think we're now closer to our next neighbours; havoc and social vices still occur. What breeds such situation? Education to me is the gateway key. We have so undermined the prowess of the less privileged and now it has come to hunt us. Nuisance value heralds the atmosphere in our everyday lives both seen and unseen. Some reported,some not. Certain events we only 'imagined' and thought could 'Never happen' cloud us day by day on our dailies and we cannot but stare in shock.
I've seen folks living in the gutter looking up to the sky and hoping they'll get there someday,I've also had the opportunity to mingle with trust fund kids(what i call rich kids) and hear them deliberate on motor arcade races,disney land trips and posterity wealth.
What moral justification is there comparing these kids from the slums and those in affluence?, A trust fund child from birth attends Corona Sch,Lekki British International, Chrisland Schs and thereafter moves to Convenant University, Harvard, Cambridge with no hassle at all WHILE on the other hand, a child from the slum goes to 'Government owned' schs like Ivbiyeneva Sch,Abraka grammar sch without sandals or basic needs for a child. The government cabal of the day doesnt look at this as a major problem as Their kids do not attend such schools,the bone of contention to them is tenure elongation. The teacher-student relationship and level of low life management in our government schools today is a mess and nothing to behold but on the opposite coin, i do not blame them as with a paltry sum of #18000 naira, one cannot but decide that He doesnt want to work effectively.
Ironically, legislators of today earn over 1m naira a month and still complain,the truth is some of their buxom bimbos would not collect #18000 as severance fee after unwholesome acts yet they deem it fit to call such sum 'minimum wage',an amount a little less than $120 which cannot be used for commuting,feeding,accomodation and other sundry expenses in a month. Won't this situation be regarded as 'Man Unkind' according to music crooner Innocent Idibia. We are aware of the saying that 'He who opens a school door closes a prison' but the level of dilapidation in our government owned institutions have left the wards already in a penitentiary situation. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan (GCFR) still in oblivion with 5 months gone doesnt have any mapped out plan on how to salvage us from this perilous situation.
I am not in anyway saying that all Trust fund kids tend to have larger than life treatment or all under privileged kids don't. My thoughts here come in a more discrete form; Nuisance value is referred to as when one contributes negatively through noise, distruption, social vice and all to his society while Wisdom value is the reverse where one contributes and inputs in his society good moral standard positively. A youth who grows up in the slum is psychologically affected when he sees his opposite fellow in a car or moving up the ladder in life.
Kidnapping, rape, armed robbery and other social vice has to rise as envy and greed from lack is inevitable. All this emanate from the inability to raise educational standards in the nation. You dont expect a child from the slum to be able attend American University of Nigeria( owned by embezzler and former vice president Abubakar Atiku) where fees there amount over $3500 per session.
The gap we have today between the rich and the poor has come to stay because they do not want us to know what they would teach their children,they stack up huge sums of wealth in banks across the world for unborn generations of their loins.
I agree to the term 'If education is cheap, try ignorance' but the high standard of education in this country is so appaling and uncalled for. Subsidies are not being given by the government and those hoarding wealth are not encouraging the situation.
Now, My feelings here go to those who feel they have been prejudiced by God for being born in this country. The leaders are not encouraging,no good roads, lack of pipe borne water, proper Health care is an exclusive right of those in affluence addendum, have it in mind that there's no limit to what you can achieve in life except for the limits you place on your own imagination. Our Septuagenarian Leaders have failed us,they have bridged the gap between us and their children;its now time for us not to fail ourselves and those to come after us. Let us strive to achieve greatness at all cost,it is now as if we have 'extraordinary nigerians' and 'ordinary nigerians'. Lets not give up with the suffering,Build yourself,harness your talent and the sky will be your stepping stone.
Lets not just complain about the system,lets join hands and change it. The society has been unfair to some of us but let us enjoy life as it is knowing that things are worse for others and a lot better for us.
For those in luxury,lets not blatantly ignore the other two-third of our brothers and sisters in impoverished situations across the country. GIVE AID TODAY, SEND SOMEONE TO A GOOD SCHOOL because IF YOU THINK YOU'RE TOO SMALL TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE, YOU'VE NEVER BEEN IN BED WITH A MOSQUITO.